How Taking Care of Yourself is Important to Creating - Fake Blues: Chapter 1
Taking care of yourself is a crucial part of being a creative person. Your physical health and mental health should be a priority to overcoming anxiety. There is a lot of pressure on creatives to be successful in a way that can be unhealthy.
In the video below, I talk about missing my chance to be interviewed on MTV back in 2011. It was this moment that I realized my stress and anxiety could hurt my chances to grow. I got sick from trying to be successful on behalf of my family. I sacrificed so much that my body shut down. After recovering I learned a vital lesson.
This lesson is explained in the first chapter of my book, Fake Blues: Creating in the Face of Anxiety. If you would like to learn more about the book Click HERE
In chapter 1 of my book, Fake Blues, I discuss putting on your oxygen mask first. It's important that you know how to take care of yourself if you want to be as creative as you possibly can be. The anxiety of taking care of others is only valid when you have enough to give.